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Wildlife Artist

Using Feathers as the Canvas

Birds and wildlife are such an important part of our life. The first thing we do in a morning is feed the chickens, ducks and geese.

We're so lucky to live in a remote part of Yorkshire where half of the property is turned over to wildlife.

The first coffee of the day normally involves seeing a greater spotted wood pecker, tree creeper, wren and the very familiar robin. At certain times of year I also have the pleasure of seeing jays in the oak trees and the heron is pretty much resident.

My husband has always been interested in birds, but its only recently that I have realised how much daily pleasure they now bring to me.

The occasional sighting of a kingfisher on our pond and our resident tawny owls in the oak trees are a special treat.

Lock-down has afforded us the time to clear the loft. As well as finding some amazing photographs of birds which my husband had taken. I was delighted to find my historical art work.

There was undoubtedly a common theme, Indian headdress, kestrel, blue tits and I suddenly realised the link was feathers.

I've loved painting since I was a child and have fond memories of sitting with my grandparents on a Saturday afternoon creating art.

Whilst such an important part of my childhood my art sadly took a back seat to motherhood and a career in nursing.


Fortunately my two amazing children have now left home and having started my own poultry business nine years ago at Sutherland Farm. I have realised the time has come to pursue my real passion

Now with the added bonus of my daughter (Zoe) painting along side me, I will have to add her information to this site.

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